Annotation 2020-08-25 083738

Webinar Overview:

September 9, 2020 | 11:00 - 11:30 AM (CDT)

Geogrids—they aren’t all the same! With challenging soil conditions, using the right geogrid in your design can ensure you are successfully addressing soil stabilization and reinforcement needs. You will be armed with the right information and better understand why geogrid is a budget friendly design solution.



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garry pic  Garry McFarlane, CPESC, CTR, CISEC           Product Development Manager

Garry is a Certified Technical Representative (CTR) through Construction Specifications Canada and brings over 40 years of experience working in the construction industry throughout Canada. Prior to joining the Titan team, he was the Canadian Geosynthetics Product Manager for one of the largest construction product distributors in North America.  As Titan's Product Development Manager, Garry works closely with the Engineering community to assist with civil construction design solutions and product specifications. With strong industry connections, he is consistently relied on for his extensive product knowledge and wealth of expertise in a range of applications. He is known for his positive attitude and commitment to helping clients choose the right product for their project.


Special Guest 

Sam BhatSam Bhat, M.Eng., Tech Mgt. MIGS          Chief Technical Officer (CTO), Geosynthetics

Sam holds a Masters of Engineering from IIT Delhi, India’s prestigious Institute of Technology, with a specialized background in interdisciplinary engineering and geosynthetics management. He has served the global geosynthetics market for the past 25 years having worked with some of the world’s leading geogrid organizations in the U.K., U.S.A. and Canada. As Titan’s CTO Sam is responsible for developing new geosynthetic product tech­nologies and overseeing design and manufacturing Titan’s geogrid lines. He is involved in interdisciplinary academic engineering R & D collaborations with Queen's University and McGill University; offering value-added geosynthetic solutions to help address a variety of complex civil, environ­mental and geotechnical engineering problems. Sam has lectured at presti­gious universities and also presented numerous technical papers at geosynthetics conferences around the world. His work, particularly with geogrid product development and testing, has been instrumental in advancing the geosynthetics industry. 



About Titan

Established in 2006, Titan Environmental Containment, specializes in the supply and installation of high quality geosynthetics such as geomembrane linersgeogridsgeotextile fabrics; containment systemserosion control products; and specialty civil engineering products that all help manage and protect the environment. A leader in our field, we provide innovative and cost-effective solutions for a wide range of civil engineering, environmental and geotechnical projects across a variety of sectors, including; road construction, water and waste management, mining, oil and gas, hydro-electric and agriculture. We operate locations across Canada in addition to a subsidiary company in the United States, Titan Environmental USA, specializing in prefabricated geomembranes and geotextiles for environmental and athletic field lining projects.